Under The Staircase

Under The Staircase

What is the staircase? Is it merely a set of gradually rising blocks stacked on top of, actually I don’t think I know how staircases are made. Besides it is more of a metaphorical staircase than it is a literal one. I mean there is a literal staircase, but you don’t really need to know about that one. I feel like this has already gone way off the rails. I’m not even sure where I was going with that anymore. Staircases but more about what those staircases represent. Free thought, the trading of ideas and community. In classical Athens learned men would gather in the forum upon the marble staircases of markets, courthouses and temples. In the shadows of those monuments to the mind these men would debate and discuss politics, philosophy, literature and the natural sciences. There these great men such as Socrates, Plato, Kanye, and Aristotle expanded mankind’s understanding, and those are just the ones I can remember. There were countless citizen that would gather on the staircases to listen and give their own opinions. They were the fertile soil of the mind, and now we just walk on them. I’m not disparaging the utilitarian purpose of the staircase. I mean they have got to be in like the top five ways to go up, but they can be so much more. People don’t congregate any more. We are always going somewhere, doing something. We have the most leisure time in the history of our species, and we waste it doing things. No more I say, time to sit down and talk about music, movies, tv, macaroni art, hell whatever man made work makes your heart beat just a little faster.

-The Staircase

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